Freshwater Shrimp and accessories


Sl Aqua Aquavital for Fish

Sl Aqua Aquavital for Fish

£ 14.99

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Aquavital for Fish

Synthetic vitamins for fish. It provides abundant nutrition during breeding, which can maintain energy and immune system.


Vitamin is the indispensable trace element for improving growth and metabolism.Lack of vitamin could lead to disease such as balance loss, spasm, spinal anomalies, disorders of the lens, ink spot disease, black gill disease and so on.Vitamin can be absorbed directly via gill.As nutrient in water, it can help weak fish survive and enhance resisting stress.To healthier fish, it can prevent diseases caused by lack of vitamin, improve survival rate and brighten fish.Vitamin can also provide abundant nutrition during breeding, which can maintain energy and immune system.MORE AQUAVITAL contains multiple water-soluble vitamin and lipid-soluble vitamin.


New Tank / Aftercare: Add 20 mL per 100 liters of water.

 Regular Maintenance: Add 10 mL per 100 liters of water, every week.

5mL (250mL Pack) 、10mL (500、4000mL Pack)



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